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La nostra SPA è il fiore all’occhiello di Inghirios Wellness Resort e vi accoglie in un ambiente dove luci, colori e profumi sardi inducono al rilassamento. Metodi naturali quali l’acqua, il vapore e il calore generano un benessere psico-fisico ed uno stato di rilassamento profondi. Potrete trascorrere un pomeriggio di completo relax nella nostra SPA tra sauna finlandese, bagno turco, vasche idromassaggio, bagno romano, doccia emozionale con cromoterapia, sala relax e angolo tisaneria con squisite infusioni da gustare al termine del percorso. Inghirios Wellness Country Resort offre una selezione di trattamenti e massaggi con tecniche da tutto il mondo, eseguiti con professionalità e un approccio sensoriale che intende l’essere umano come un’entità unica di corpo, mente e spirito. Scegliete il percorso più adatto alle vostre esigenze per rigenerarvi e riequilibrare mente e corpo: sfogliate le nostre proposte, armonizzate al meglio per ottenere i massimi risultati e concedetevi attimi di puro relax.

Aperta tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 20:00
Il centro benessere resterà chiuso dal 15 Luglio al 30 Settembre.
Il servizio massaggi è aperto tutto l'anno.

Il tempo è oro e noi te lo dedichiamo volentieri!
Pertanto avvisaci in tempo se devi disdire oppure spostare un appuntamento.

Se l'appuntamento viene disdetto 12 ore prima, lo storno avviene gratuitamente.
La disdetta oltre questo termine o la mancata disdetta comporteranno l’addebito dell’intero costo del trattamento.


Roman Baths | Whirlpool Tubs

Ancient Roman reverence for the spa and body care is relived in our atmospheric Roman Bath. It consists of 3 whirlpool tubs with different temperatures: Tepidarium, Calidarium, and Frigidarium.

The Roman Bath is structured to have an immediate purifying and regenerating effect. The thermal shock caused by the different water temperatures stimulates the circulatory system and the immune system. Specifically, hot water gives the body a pleasant feeling of relaxation, while the approach with cold water tones and invigorates the body

The Kneipp Path

The Kneipp path is a hot and cold alternating bath for legs and feet. The passage through alternating temperature compartments, equipped with nozzles that massages the legs and ankles, stimulates blood circulation with an immediate toning and refreshing effect. The length of the path, the number and arrangement of the compartments can vary and are planned accordingly to the customer's requirements.

Finnish sauna

The sauna always known for its therapeutic virtues, it is a heat bath carried out inside a wooden cabin. The air is kept at a temperature ranging from 60 to 100 °C, and the humidity is very low so that sweat evaporates and the skin does not heat up too much. The high temperature dry habitat has the ability to bring the body to the expulsion of considerable amounts of toxins and the intense heating of the body in a very short time.

The Finnish sauna favours the elimination of excess fluids and metabolic waste, extends the muscles, restores the body clock mechanism and reinforces the immune system. The pure energy provided, in the form of a dry, deep heat, invades the body, generating a rapid, intense form of perspiration.

Bagno Turco o Hamman

Turkish bath or Hamman is a very damp habitat covered withstone.

The heat, on the other hand, is smaller than the sauna andreaches a maximum of 40/45 °C. It cleanses the body, helps eliminate excess fatand improves skin and elasticity. Turkish bath is a steam cloud of 45°C withhumidity of 98%. While the small drops of water lie on your skin making itsofter and silkier the steam eases muscular tension, relaxes the mind andrestores your psycho-physical wellness.

Emotional Shower & Relax Area

A wide rain effect water jet, accompanied with a courtesy light, to refresh and tone up. The cool reaction is what goes with the Kneipp treatment program and the steam baths: the Finnish sauna and the Turkish bath.

Relaxation zone (a room lit with a starred ceiling where guests can lie back and relax in chaises-longues) with a tea corner.